26 December 2012

Christmas Lunch at the AFP Compound - Topside Nauru

Christmas Lunch for a group of expats left on the island in 2012 was held at the Australian Federal Police Compound which forms part of the Australian High Commission to Nauru. As the Commissioner of the Nauruan Police Force (AFP on secondment) was off-island his house was the natural choice - thanks Richard.

Anna from Aus Aid gets her man.

Solicitor-General gets a Kris Kringle

Santa (Gino) hands out presents - "Have you been a Good Boy this year Steve?"

Victoria is Santa's Little Helper. Gary gets his Turn on the Knee

Alex Must Have Been Good.

Gil Gets Her Turn.

Simon Doesn't Miss His Turn on the Knee of Santa.

Penny Might be Liking That.

Don't Grimace Too Much Sandy.

Alex and Anna - HKL and Aus Aid

Steve - AFP Operations Advisor.

Lessons in Shots from the Professional.

L to R - Victoria, Garry (Finance - RoN), Steve (AFP), Anna (Aus Aid), Gino (AFP), Simon (Deputy Parliamentary Counsel), Sandy and Gil (Acting High Commissioner).
Steve, Alex, Gary, Penny, Gil, Sandy, Stephanie and Anna

Big Sky in Nauru

More Pictures from Nauru

These Frangipani Smell Wonderful.
The Resident Dolphins at the Menen Hotel

Let's Jump

Equipment Arrives to Build the Regional Processing Centre

Parliament House - Republic of Nauru

Government Offices

The Shop on the left with the Green Door is my Lunch Restaurant.

Buada Lake

Sandy Heading to the Japanese Prison - Lots of Mossies.

White Noddies Hovering

White Noddie

Container Port

Menen Hotel from the North

Boat Harbour at Anibare Bay

Pot of Gold at the End of the Wave?

Anibare Bay with Boat Harbour on the Left.

25 December 2012

Surfing the Menen Hotel Break in Nauru

Todd, a young law graduate from Australia, surfing the break off the Hotel last Sunday

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17 December 2012

Exploring the Island's "Fresh Water" Table

Some local girls cooling their feet in the water in a cave near the Airport.

Phil Battey checking the "fresh water" - he installs reverse osmosis desalination plants

This apparently goes back about 100 meters then goes underground - Gerry where are you?

The entrance to the cave - Ignatius our guide on the left

Ignatius checking some shrimp in a pond up Topside

Phil supervising

Lots of very small "fresh water" shrimp

A mango tree on the walk in - this is regrowth from previous phosphate mining

That is one big tree.

This fruit is very sour but apparently nice

Pick Sandy up tomorrow - Hurrah!